CIS 207 Experience Tradition/ CIS 207 Experience Tradition/ | Page 7

competitor, and you developed a presentation to show differences between the current process and future process. You determined the skill sets of the technical and process human resources you need for the project implementation team. In Week Four, you discussed some of the customer interface issues and development issues that arise when designing a mobile software application. This week, your team will wrestle with some of the issues around how to approach the development of this system. You will take the recommendations from the prior team discussions and make you own proposal to the IT Steering Committee. Assume that the development effort will be done in-house and outside resources will only be brought in if needed. discuss the following questions: How will Personal Identifiable Information be separated and protected from the information that is necessary to complete the order? How will the mobile ordering app interface with the current point of sale system? How can the company avoid developing a website for each retail outlet? What company costs can be saved using the new app? What additional revenue can be gained using the new app? How will you attract current and new customers to your mobile app by using social media? =========================================