CIS 175 RANK It's Your Life/ CIS 175 RANK It's Your Life/ | Page 12

35 . What is the result of the binary conversion in the example below ?
36 . The diagram below shows an example of what kind of transmission ?
37 . How many bits in an IPv4 address ? 38 . What is the network address for APIPA ?
39 . How many hosts can you have with a subnet of / 28 ?
40 . How many bits per octet in an IPv4 address ? 41 . What are sections A and B of the IP address ?
42 . For static NAT to work , how many inside global addresses are needed for inside local addresses ?
43 . What is the purpose of ARP ?
44 . Both PC1 and Server 1 have a default gateway , what is the purpose of a default gateway ?
45 . Which of the following is a link-state routing protocol that uses a metric of cost ? Choose only one .
46 . At the moment PC1 can ' t reach the Internet . You add a static default route to R1 that sends all traffic to an unknown destination out s1 / 1 . Can a user on PC1 access the Internet ?
47 . Match the Type of NAT on the left with the correct definition on the right .

35 . What is the result of the binary conversion in the example below ?

36 . The diagram below shows an example of what kind of transmission ?

37 . How many bits in an IPv4 address ? 38 . What is the network address for APIPA ?

39 . How many hosts can you have with a subnet of / 28 ?

40 . How many bits per octet in an IPv4 address ? 41 . What are sections A and B of the IP address ?

42 . For static NAT to work , how many inside global addresses are needed for inside local addresses ?

43 . What is the purpose of ARP ?

44 . Both PC1 and Server 1 have a default gateway , what is the purpose of a default gateway ?

45 . Which of the following is a link-state routing protocol that uses a metric of cost ? Choose only one .

46 . At the moment PC1 can ' t reach the Internet . You add a static default route to R1 that sends all traffic to an unknown destination out s1 / 1 . Can a user on PC1 access the Internet ?

47 . Match the Type of NAT on the left with the correct definition on the right .