CIS 170C iLab 2 of 7 Decisions (100% Correct) CIS 170C iLab 2 of 7 Decisions (100% Correct) | Page 6

Write a program that inputs the amount of the purchase and calculates the shipping charge based on the following table: $0.00 - $250.00: $5.00 Step 2: Pseudocode Using the pseudocode below, write the code that will meet the requirements. Display program information Prompt the user for the sale amount If sale amount > $5,000.00 shipping is $20.00 Else if sale amount > $1,000.00 shipping is $15.00 Else if sale amount > $500.00 Else shipping is $0.00 End-If If shipping is $0.00 Display "Error incorrect input" Else Display sale amount and shipping charge End-If