CIS 170 (Devry) help Making Decisions/ CIS 170 (Devry) help Making Decisions/ | Página 5

make sure you didn't key in something wrong. Once you make your corrections to the code, go ahead and click Build >> Build Solution again. Step 5: Execute the Program Once you have no syntax errors, to execute or run your program, click Debug on the menu bar, and then click Start Without Debugging. Step 6: Capture the Output Capture a screen print of your output. (Do a PRINT SCREEN and paste into an MS Word document.) Copy your code and paste it into the same MS Word document that contains the screen print of your output. 3. Save the Word Document as Lab01B_LastName_FirstInitial. End of Part B Part C: Payroll Program Step 1: Create a New Project Create a new project and name it LAB1C. Make sure you close your previous program by clicking File >> Close Solution. Include a comment box like what you coded in Part B. This can go at the very top of your program. Step 2: Processing Logic You need to write a program that calculates and displays the take-home pay for a commissioned sales employee along with all of the deductions. Input: Prompt the user for the weekly sales. Process: Perform the calculations. The employee receives 7% of his or her total sales as his or her gross pay. His or her federal tax rate is 18%. He or she contributes 10% to his or her retirement program and 6% to Social Security. Output: Display the results Sample Output from Lab 1: Enter Weekly Sales: 28000 Total Sales: 28000.00 Gross pay (7%): 1960.00 Federal tax paid: 352.80 Social security paid: 117.60 Retirement contribution: 196.00 Total deductions: 666.40