CIS 170 (Devry) help Making Decisions/ CIS 170 (Devry) help Making Decisions/ | Page 46

Step 6: Execute the Program Once you have no syntax errors, to execute or run your program, click Debug on the menu bar, and then click Start Debugging. Step 7: Capture the Output Capture a screen print of your output. (Do a PRINT SCREEN and paste into an MS Word document.) Copy your code and paste it into the same MS Word document that contains the screen print of your output. Save the Word Document as Lab02A_LastName_FirstInitial. END OF PART A Part B: Calculate Shipping Charge Step 1: Requirements Write a program that inputs the amount of the purchase and calculates the shipping charge based on the following table: $0.00 - $250.00: $5.00 $250.01 - $500.00: $8.00 $500.01 - $1,000.00: $10.00 $1,000.01 - $5,000.00: $15.00 over $5,000.00: $20.00 Sample Output from Program: Enter a purchase amount to find out your shipping charges. Please enter the amount of your purchase: 234.65 The shipping charge on a purchase of $234.65 is $5.00.