CIS 170 (Devry) help Making Decisions/ CIS 170 (Devry) help Making Decisions/ | Page 25
While the number of players is less than the length of the array
Prompt for the player's name
If the user entered Q, break out of the loop
Prompt the user for the player's score
Add 1 to the number of players
DisplayPlayerData function
Display the name and score of each player
CalculateAverageScore function
Add up the scores and divide by the number of scores to calculate the
average score
Display the average score
Return the average score to main
DisplayBelowAverage function
Display the names and scores of all players who scored below the
average score
Step 3: Create a New Project
Create a new project and name it LAB5A. Write your code using the
Processing Logic in Part A, Step 2. Make sure you save your program.
Step 4: Compile and Execute
a) Compile your program. Eliminate all syntax errors.