CIS 170 (Devry) help Making Decisions/ CIS 170 (Devry) help Making Decisions/ | Page 18

Enter a phone number (Q to quit): 098-8765 ERROR - Phone number cannot begin with 0 Enter a phone number (Q to quit): 12345678 ERROR - Hyphen is not in the correct position Enter a phone number (Q to quit): @34-*uyt ERROR - An invalid character was entered Enter a phone number (Q to quit): Q Press any key to continue . . . Step 2: Processing Logic Using the pseudocode below, write the code that will meet the requirements. Main Function Declare the char variables for the 8 digits of the phone number while true Call the ReadDials function passing the 8 digits by reference. ReadDials returns an error code by value. If the return value is -5, exit the do while loop If the error code is -1, display the error message "ERROR - An invalid character was entered".