CIS 115 All Assignments CIS 115 All Assignments | Page 34 You have been asked to design a program that will allow a teacher to calculate the percentage and the final grade for students in a class. The program will prompt the teacher to enter the student’s first and last name and the number of points the student received. The program shall only accept scores between 0 and 1,000 points (including 0 and 1,000), with 1,000 points being the maximum number of points. If the input value is within the valid range, the program will display a "good score" message; otherwise, the program will display an error message and then terminate the program. The program shall then calculate the score percentage, and then determine the grade based on the percentage using the following grade criteria: Score Percent Range Grade 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 0-59 F The program will then display the student’s first name, last name, number of points, calculated percentage, and the final grade. The program shall have an initial prompt informing the user of the program's purpose, and a program termination message.