Lab 2 : Modifying a Database Design in Visio
This assignment contains two ( 2 ) Sections : Modified Visio Diagram and Design Summary . You must submit both sections as separate files in order to complete this assignment .
Use ― Appendix A : Designing Databases with Visio Professional : A Tutorial ,‖ located in the online course shell to help you complete Section 1 : Modified Visio Database Design . ( Note : This tutorial focuses on the use of Microsoft Visio . Open source applications are not covered in Appendix A . However , the use of open source applications within labs is permitted .)
After reviewing your database design from Lab 1 : Creating a Database Design in Visio , the college has provided more information for the database that they want developed :
For each student , the college needs to track the student ID , student names , addresses , start date , phone numbers and types ( such as mobile , home , work ), email addresses and types ( such as personal , school , work ), gender , and birth date .
For each course , the college needs to track the course ID , course name , department , quarters offered , sections , and instructor teaching each course .
For each instructor , the college needs to track the instructor ID , name , address , phone numbers and types ( such as mobile , home , work ), email addresses and types ( such as personal , school , work ), gender , birth date , and the courses that each instructor is qualified to teach .
Additionally , the college needs to track the final grades for each student after each course has completed .
Section 1 : Modified Visio Diagram