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CIS 111 Week 6 Assignment 2 Normalization ( 2 Papers )

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Assignment 2 : Normalization
Suppose that you are the database developer for a local college . The Chief Information Officer ( CIO ) has asked you to provide a summary of normalizing database tables that the IT staff will use in the upcoming training session .
Write a two to three ( 2-3 ) page paper in which you :
Describe the steps that you would use in order to convert database tables to the First Normal Form , the Second Normal Form , and the Third Normal Form .
Provide one ( 1 ) example that is relevant to a college environment that illustrates reasons for converting database tables to the First , Second , and Third Normal Forms .
Explain typical situations when denormalizing a table is acceptable . Provide one ( 1 ) example of denormalizing a database table to justify your response .