CIS 111 All Assignments CIS 111 All Assignments | Page 33

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• Use technology and information resources to research issues in database systems .
• Write clearly and concisely about relational database management systems using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions .

CIS 111 Week 7 Lab 4 Structured Query Language ( SQL ) ( 2 Papers )

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www . foxtutor . com / product / cis-111-week-7-lab-4-structured-querylanguage- ( sql ) - ( 2-papers )
Lab 4 : Structured Query Language ( SQL )
Refer to the database design crested in Lab 2 : Modifying a Database Design in Visio to complete this Lab .
Perform the following steps in MySQL : Create the tables and relationships from the database design discussed in Lab 2 . Add at least five ( 5 ) records into each table ( Note : You must determine the field values ). Create a query with all fields from the student table , where the student ' s last name is " Smith ". Create a query that includes students ’ first names , last names , and phone numbers .