are searching for , then complete the following steps :
o Decide which keywords from your statement to use for your search . Use at least two
and record them in Appendix B next to Search Keywords .
o Choose three search engines from which to begin your research , such as
google . com , yahoo . com , live . com , ask . com , and lycos . com . You may choose from
this list or find your own .
o Create hyperlinks to each search engine in Appendix B . To create this hyperlink :
1 . Access a site . 2 . Highlight the Web address in the address box . 3 . Copy ( Ctrl + C ) the address .
4 . Paste ( Ctrl + V ) the address into Appendix B next to search engine 1 , 2 , or 3 .
CIS 105 Survey of Computer Information Systems Course Syllabus Page 14
o Open the search engine by clicking on its URL . Insert the keywords into the
appropriate box and press the Enter key . Record the number of results as well as the