CIS 105 Final Multimedia Tools in the Classroom =================================================== CIS 105 Week 1 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . cis105mentor . com
benefit from its existence ? =================================================== CIS 105 Week 1 DQ 2
www . cis105mentor . com
CIS 105 Final Multimedia Tools in the Classroom =================================================== CIS 105 Week 1 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . cis105mentor . com
Discussion Question 1
· Due Date : Day 2 [ post to the Main forum ]
· Post your response to the following : Think about how computer technology permeates
society . Throughout the day , you encounter many types of computerized devices at the
grocery store , fast food chains , school , and work . Describe one such device available
today : Who uses it , what are they able to accomplish with its use , and how do people
benefit from its existence ? =================================================== CIS 105 Week 1 DQ 2