4 . Paste ( Ctrl + V ) the address into Appendix B next to search engine 1 , 2 , or 3 .
CIS 105 Survey of Computer Information Systems Course Syllabus Page 14
o Open the search engine by clicking on its URL . Insert the keywords into the
appropriate box and press the Enter key . Record the number of results as well as the
top three Web links listed for each of your searches in Appendix B . It may be easiest
to highlight , then copy and paste the corresponding URLs directly into Appendix B .
o Using the same keywords , conduct two more searches each with a different search
engine .
o Conduct another set of searches with the same keywords , but using a Boolean such
as and , or , or not . Note : Different search engines may use different words or symbols
for the Boolean searches . You need to find out how to do this with each search
engine .
o Note the number of results for each of your Boolean searches and record it in