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CIS 105 Week 1 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . cis105mentor . com
system more user-friendly ? Why ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIS 105 Week 3 DQ 1
Discussion Question 2

CIS 105 Week 1 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . cis105mentor . com

· Due Date : Day 4 [ post to the Main forum ]
· Post your response to the following : As you have discovered , there are a variety of
computers available , from the smallest computer in a domestic device to the
supercomputers used in industry . Despite the different uses of computers , they all have
basics elements in common — each computer system involves hardware , software , data ,
and users . Think about the role of each component of your home or work computer : How
do the components of your computer system interact within the system ? What
improvements or additions to your system do you think would benefit you or make the

system more user-friendly ? Why ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIS 105 Week 3 DQ 1