CIS 105 help Making Decisions/ CIS 105 help Making Decisions/ | Page 2

family. o Use a formula to find the number of days, early or late, Mom presented her gift. Then, use the fill handle to fill in that formula for the remaining friends and family. o Format the total value of gifts, average cost per gift, and monthly income columns as currency. o Format the % of monthly income spent on gifts column as percentages. o Create at least one chart to illustrate your analysis. · Submit the spreadsheet as an attachment with the answer to the following question as a post of 100 to 350 words: Based on the information in this spreadsheet, which of your friends or family do you think loves you the most? Use the data to justify your answer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIS 105 Assignment: PowerPoint For more course tutorials visit Assignment: PowerPoint® · Resources: Ch. 8 (pp. 312-316) in Computing Fundamentals and the Computer Applications Tutorial