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CIS 105 Assignment Technology of the Future Click Below Link To Purchase future Assignment: Technology of the Future · Resources: Ch. 5 in Computing Fundamentals and the HowStuffWorks Web site · Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum] · Read Ch. 5 (pp. 206-217) in Computing Fundamentals, which explains that the potential for computers to process information faster and become exponentially more powerful seems limitless. · Think about the current capabilities of computer technology to what was thought impossible ten years ago. What are the possibilities for the use of technology in the near and distant future? · Access the HowStuffWorks Web site at to explore the possibilities. Type in a new or future technology in the search window to discover a world of possibilities. · Describe one technological device in 350 to 700 words. Include the following: When did it come (or will it potentially come) into existence? What scientific or technological