My POD is a self-assessment tool that allows you to assess your skills and knowledge against the Professional Operators Development ( POD ) Framework . It is designed to help you to identify knowledge gaps and target your learning .
Professional Operators Development ( POD ) Framework
This is the professional map for railway operators , which captures what successful and effective operators know and deliver across every aspect and specialism of the profession .
Content :
• Whole System Railway Operations
• Incident and Emergency Management
• Performance Management
• Delivering Passenger and Freight Services
• Managing Safety
• Delivering Customer Services
• Operational Planning and Timetabling
• People and Change
• Railway Organisations Business Context
• Rail Engineering and Asset management
• Rolling Stock and Fleet Management
• Train Movement and Control Systems
Main Personal Benefit :
You take control of your own rail operations professional development – the POD framework allows you to take control of your own rail operations professional development . It can give structure to performance reviews and help you evidence your Continuous Professional Development .
Who is it for ?
Everyone at all levels particularly useful for entrants to rail , as part of planning your own development , preparing for a performance review or CIRO membership upgrade .
Requirements for study :
• Access or use of a computer .
• Membership of CIRO allowing you access to free resources on CIRO . org in your own name .
CIRO ’ s Mentoring Scheme is free for all members of the Institution .
The scheme provides a managed relationship between the Mentor and the Mentee to enable :
• Knowledge sharing
• Working through professional issues
• Improvement and career development
• Provision of a sounding board or critical friend when required
• The Mentor to act as an experienced and trusted guide within the confidential relationship .
The intent is not to teach , judge or necessarily to offer solutions but to provide a sounding board which will give the Mentee enough information to enable them to make the right decisions and help them develop their own professional and personal skills and resources .
Professional Operators Development is also the framework for upgrading your membership . Demonstrate your professional expertise and upgrade today !