Circuit Breaker, Thermistor & Fuse Market Forecast 2015-2021 | Page 7

To Enquire About the Report Click Here RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The quantitative and qualitative data collected for the Global Circuit Breaker, Thermistor & Fuse Market report is from a combination of secondary and primary sources. Research interviews were conducted with senior executives and/or managers of leading manufacturers & assembly companies. These Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) were then provided a questionnaire to gather quantitative and qualitative inputs on their operations, performance, strategies and views on the overall market, including key developments and technology trends. Data from interviews is consolidated, checked for consistency and accuracy, and the final market numbers are again validated by experts. The global market was split by products, services and geography based on different factors like primary and secondary sources, understanding of the number of companies operating in each segment and also KOL insights. We have used various secondary sources such as directories, articles, white papers, newsletters, annual reports and paid databases such as OneSource, Hoovers and Factiva to identify and collect information for extensive technical and commercial study of the Circuit Breaker, Thermistor & Fuse market. The key players in the market and its value chain were identified through secondary research and their market opinions were also gathered in a similar way through telephonic interviews and questionnaires. We have also studied the annual reports of these top market players. Interviews with key opinion leaders such as directors, managers, marketing personnel were used extensively in understanding the need and emergence of Circuit Breaker, Thermistor & Fuse market.