CinÉireann February 2018 | Seite 38

Cin É: How did you become involved in this project?

Fergal Ward (Director): Thomas Reid began placing protest signs alongside the front of his garden wall to alert people in the community of what was happening to him. I stopped by one day to read the signs and Thomas came out to see who I was. And so it began.

Tell me a little bit about the background to this story?

Thomas was approached to sell his land but had no interest in doing that as he runs a busy farm and was happy doing so. Because of his refusal though the IDA decided to CPO his house and lands.

How would you describe Thomas Reid as a person?

Thomas is a really nice guy with a warm heart. He loves the company of people even though he doesn’t have too many people in his life. Farm life is tough and time consuming – he does everything on his own and so leads quite a solitary life as a result.

Did it feel like a never ending shoot?

No not really. All films are quite time consuming and having patience is pretty much a prerequisitive. Post production sometimes feels like it’s never ending!

How much of an effect did all of this have on Thomas Reid?

A huge affect. To be alone in the face of that terrifying juggernaut that is state and corporate power was an unenviable position for Thomas to find himself in. It put incredible stress on him and ultimately exacted a huge toll. Unfortunately there isn’t ever going to be closure for Thomas on this; the IDA are currently amending their legislation to strengthen their CPO powers and it doesn’t look like Thomas’s main neighbour is intending on moving somewhere else soon.

Do you think that people in general are aware of the outcome of the case?

People I think are aware of the outcome but perhaps not the detail or reasons as to why Thomas was put through all this in the first place. I hope this film can address that.

How do you find working with Tadhg O'Sullivan?

I have been working with the filmmaker Tadhg O’Sullivan for many years, either shooting stuff with him or co-directing some projects. This film is very much an evolution of our work together – Tadhg co-wrote the film and anybody who knows his work will see much of his direct influence in this one.

Do you think the Govt. overreaches in terms of compulsory purchase orders?

At present no but they would very much like to change that soon. Compulsory Purchase Orders have traditionally, and rightly, been seen as extreme powers to be used in the most extraordinary of situations. The use of these powers for, essentially, the benefit of the shareholders of a private corporation is, I think, worthy of further debate.

36 CinÉireann / February 2018


Words: Jason Coyle