Después del fallecimiento de su esposa Pitia, Aristóteles contrajo matrimonio
con otra mujer, que se cree pudo ser una de sus esclavas, con quien tuvo dos
hijos varones. En el año 321 a.C, la caída de Alejandro Magno lo hizo tener que
huir hacia la ciudad de Calcis, donde desafortunadamente contrajo una infección
intestinal que puso punto final a su vida.
Aristotle's biography
Aristotle was born in Estagira, in Thrace, the year 384-3 a. C., was son of
Nicómaco and Efestiada, and that his father exerted the medicine in the court of
the king Amintas (II) of Macedonia the education received by Aristotle in his
youth, although it had to be the own one of the young Greeks of his time. At
seventeen years, the 368 a. C., moved to Athens where he joined the Academy
of Plato where he would remain for twenty years. Despite some anecdotes that
echo an alleged confrontation between Plato and Aristotle, before the death of
the former, it is unlikely that such a confrontation could have occurred. On the
death of Plato, in the - 347, Espeusippus, nephew of Plato , he took charge of the
direction of the Academy, either by direct appointment of this or by decision of his
fellow students, printing an orientation of a mystical-religious character to the
activities of the Academy, which was not liked by Aristotle, who abandoned her
Aristotle after the abandonment of the Academy:
He then went, in the company of Xenocrates, to Assos, where the tyrant Hermias
(with whom he apparently developed a deep friendship) reigned, founding there
a section of the Academy that he himself directed for three years. It was there
that he probably began to develop his own opinions contrary to the theory of
Ideas. Of this time it is, in effect, his work "On the philosophy", in which they
appear the first critical elements of the theory of the Ideas. Also there it contracted
marriage with Pythia, adoptive daughter or niece of Hermias, with which took a
happy life until the death of this one. It is unknown when he had lu.
Return to Athens and creation of the Lyceum:
Once in Athens, in 335, he founded his own school, the Lyceum, a philosophical
community in the style of the Platonic, named for being located within an area
dedicated to Apollo Likeios.