Cider Mag September 2013 | Page 39

issue 35 working_Layout 1 9/16/2013 10:13 AM Page 39 p e o m he at agic H fans to d.” M ider pri- reminds C ONSIBLY! ESP NK R DRI r e e nk. t If you’ve followedCider Mag then you know how much of a fan I am personally of The Blind Owl Band. In fact, if I was asked to declare my Top 5 bands I’ve had the pleasure of covering, there is no doubt that B-O-B makes the list. The New York based Blind Owl Band took the Vermont Bluegrass scene by storm last year, creating buzz at every stop they made, and one member of the band loved the area so much, he set up residence. Their debut CD, ‘Rabble Rousing’, released in January of 2012 and spent several weeks as the “morning CD” at Cider Mag Headquarters. After months of touring, the fairly new quartet decided that their experience playing together over the year had developed and polished their sound to a whole new level. It was time to make a new CD, ‘This Train We Ride Is Made of Wood and Steel’ was born. If I had one “issue” with the debut CD, it was several of the tracks seemed to follow a repetitive melody line. Not to say there wasn’t creativity there! I think it was simply a case of a brand new band in the studio, discovering it’s own sound and the best ways to reach the quality they were looking for. The group has broken through those barriers, and has truly matured musically far beyond what anyone could have predicted. The album sleeve is a intelligently designed, triple fold out with insanely staged photo ops of the band, friends, and fam, but let’s get down to the music. Track 1, ‘Sailor Song’, dismisses the “will it be the same sound?” vibe within a note or two. True to bluegrass roots, with a touch of 12-bar Blues, Blind Owl makes a statement with it’s first song selection. This IS?NOT the Blind Owl you expected. You can tell they have been paying attention, finding ways to showcase their strengths. Favorite track? Hands down, ‘Rain On’. This baby is in my top 10 listened to on the Ipod for the past month Lead vocalist and Banjo player, James Ford’s incredibly unique vocals sits in this band like the most perfect cat nap in a broken in lazy boy recliner. You can’t help but sink into it. The bass lines are headlining when necessary, and a perfect reminder of what this band is about the rest of the time. A driving Bluegrass sound with a gritty edge and fun twists and turns. Just take a listen to Track 7, ‘Jazzy McGee’, you’ll get the point. Home Run boys. Grab a Magic Hat and take a listen for yourself! eel .. ian grabs We Ride Is Made Of Wood and St Br This Train by The Blind Owl Band