Cider Mag September 2013 | Page 20

issue 35 working_Layout 1 9/16/2013 10:12 AM Page 20 Cider’s monthly beer column color for an autumn... I mean… look at it! A rich amber, deep copper color with a subtle nose, surprisingly. A little caramel, a hint of sweet, a bit o’ hops, I’m ready. But, before I drink this delicious looking beverage, let me remind you that this beer is only available from now til October. So if you didn’t heed my advice and actually go get one, you’d better do so soon at your LOCAL, please, beer store. As I sit here in a “dry” 90° at 10 pm, your crisp, fall nights are bringing a chill to the air and reminding you that changing seasons are approaching (I’m drinking my beer, by the way, as I write). Snow will soon fill your driveways, ice will form on your windshields, and the wind will, at times, freeze your eyelashes shut. And while cords of wood burn in the woodstove, I’ll raise my glass and remember you, my friends, as I sit in shorts, on my patio, and drink beer. Yeah! What’s up VT & NH?!! I’m pre-gaming my monthly column with some Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA, so we’ll be sure to be on a tear for this one. You got a beer? Go get one if you don’t. First up today (uhhh… after the Torpedo I mean), is from Anchor Brewing, a familiar San Francisco brewery from way back. But what? Ahhh! A new beer! BigLeaf Maple is out for the fall, so pullz you up a chair and listen to this! If you thought maple sugar only came from New England, then do pay attention. Bigleaf sugaring has been happening since the 1800’s. Its bark is used for rope and baskets, its fine, fine wood has crafted many a musical instrument, and now… we have a beer. An Autumn Red Ale that has tapped into the tree for its sweetness and created…… well…… Get one! Let’s find out. It’s in the same classy bottle the Anchor beers are known for…the one that fits your hand so well and makes it hard for me to pour in a glass. But I will. For you, my friends, after one big gulp. OK. Hey Phil, it didn’t evaporate (he thinks it’s hot in AZ)! Bangin’