Cider Mag - November 2013 | Page 35

am de o y g el, one e me- ennd ole H. ue with e ally ite issue 37 working_Layout 1 11/1/2013 1:18 PM Page 35 Do What Would John Jamisonnymous, always ano random, are questions chosen for print are at ct the views of Cider Magazine and do not refle We’ve all asked the same question, What would John Jamison do? Cider’s advice column lets you into the mind of the most interesting man in OUR world. Dear WWJJD - What do u think about the hip hop scene here? It seems so hard to change peoples minds that artists here are legit and not just want to be gangstas with no talent. How do we change the reputation? Signed.. on the 1s and 2 Need to find out what John Jamison would do? email [email protected] subj: WWJJD and ask your question.. now. Dear On the 1’s & 2’s, First of all I just want to say that even though I'm not the most versed nor learned when it comes to hip hop, I do have a healthy respect for hip hop artists. I actually met KRS-1 at a festival we played. I think that's. Pretty relevant name drop. So to be honest the hip hop scene here is nothing to write home about. That is not for a lack of talent mind you. I know many talented mc's and musicians that right nasty beats in the area. I think it really comes from a lack of venues as well as a lack of crowds open minded enough to come out and see it. In fact the whole music scene around here, at least in Brattleboro, is struggling as of late. So if you want my humble opinion on how to change the mindset of hip hop vs. gangstas, keep your lyrics real, relatable and intelligent. People's mindsets will be positive as long as long as they can relate to the words. I'll admit that many, many years ago my mind was closed to hip hop until I was introduced to Aesop then my whole mindset changed. So don't give up on people in the area just yet, they just haven't heard the right hip hop. Could it be you that changes their mindset? John Jamison