issue 38 working_Layout 1 12/7/2013 1:49 PM Page 12
You guys at JJ's tavern in Florence recently, that song you played last, what was
the name of it!? and tell me it’s on your
album! There was some notable inspiration
behind that song, maybe Amon Amarth?
Also since your new album Eternal is out
are you out touring that, or already in the
midst of the next?
The song we played last is called "Beyond
The North" and is our usual closing song. It is
This recipe is too easy to be soooo good!
indeed off our debut album Eternal! And funny
you'd mention Amon Amarth... we consider it
to be our viking song, haha.
All our touring has been in support of Eternal
8 Apples came out this past
this year, the album of your choice summer. We have begun writing new material, and
1/2 cup of Sugar
will probably be working on an EP sometime
Tablespoon of
in 2014!
How does one actually get endorsed by
companies such as Hurt Reynolds co and
DR Strings? ...that’s pretty badass.
We are very thankful to be endorsing such
killer companies. The guys at Hurt Reynolds
In a friend bowl combine:
and my new smallSteve Bello at DR Strings
are all great.cuphad melted butterin both
3/4 We of been interested
companies for years, of sugar
1 cup and we eventually decided to express this to them by reaching out
1 egg
with our EPK and that fun stuff. They were
1 out. of flour
happy to help us cup Endorsements for local
bands can be tough, but it's really about conpour over apples
tacting the companies that you actually use
bake at 350 degrees
and believe in.
The future of40-45 minutes
Carnivora..i foresee shows
with Mobile Deathcamp,cool
Allow to oh wait that’s happening soon! Anything else we should
and serve!
keep our ears open for? Any last comments?
The Mobile Deathcamp thing was something
that came together recently. I talked to their
front man Todd Evans, who used to be Beefcake the Mighty of Gwar, and he helped us
out by letting us open for them for a few dates
of a US tour they're doing in 2014. That is
going to be a really cool experience. We plan
to do all kinds of touring throughout 2014 and
make it to places we haven't had the chance
to play at yet! That's what we've mainly been
focusing on recently- expanding our reach!
h Apple P
Stuff you Need
The 3rd Annual
Cider Awards
january 5, 2014
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