issue 34 working_Layout 1 8/7/2013 11:44 AM Page 30
A scary time for musicians for sure!
Well my friends out there in Cider World, I always try to keep my column slanted in a positive and encouraging vibe, but this time while still trying to be up-tempo so to speak, I'm compelled to report on some disturbing trends I have seen in the past five years or so in the business de musique. This disturbing pattern is the disappearing of the live music venue and the coming extinction of the musician playing live in front of an attentive audience. First let me report that this is not a local phenomenon, actually I see it being worse in most other places especially in the bigger cities. I know professional musicians whose records and concerts I paid good money to see back in the day who are playing in the big cities for the type of money that amateur musicians around here get for hosting open mics and or weeknight weeknight solo shows. Secondly, I see a trend in the "cover band" market to go with bands that do a "multi-media" show with lights and video screens. Some of which has the lights coming off the stage making it impossible to see the band. The musicianship is being replaced with the "concept", another scary trend for sure. The other trend is to "go DJ", but in all fairness they’re performers as well. Third, I see good, honest venues who want to put on live music taking a beating and eventually
closing. The reasons for this are vast and complicated, but a few reasons I see are that the surrounding community is not seeing the value to having this potentially vibrant additions to their town, and in turn the venues lose money and either close or drop entertainment.