issue 34 working_Layout 1 8/7/2013 11:35 AM Page 10
PG 10
Lee Thomas Tony
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I began this project with my first solo record in 2007, and since have had countless band members and arrangements in the live environment; mostly out of necessity. I knew I wanted to be performing as much as possible, but most other people have lives outside of the music world. Ultimately this meant that no one could commit to playing all of my shows, so I’ve had to develop a style of leadership, and repertoire of music, that is as flexible as possible to accommodate a revolving roster of players. What someone can expect at one of my shows is the unexpected. Songs change keys, and genres with the line ups I have from show to show. I’ll be a solo singer/songwriter one night, an electric rock/blues trio the next, a dynamic duo, or a seven piece funk band. I learn a great deal from all the different players, and I think it helps me fight the battle against stagnancy that most musicians face. If nothing else, I think it keeps things interesting; you’ll never see the same show twice.
Tell us a little about the Tony Lee Thomas Band and what our fans would expect with a night of entertainment provided by the group?
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What’s more fun to play.. Guitar or Bass? While I think bass comes more naturally, I’ve been focused on unraveling the mysteries of guitar since I was seven. Sometimes the comfort of playing the bass is nice, but I think the unpredictability of guitar is more interesting - especially the electric. It’s like flying a space shuttle in that, between the guitar itself, the amp, and whichever pedals I put in the line, there are a million different things that are all factors in how my tone and chops come across. One bad wire, or faulty ground, and the ship comes crashing to the earth. Sometimes I‘m frantically troubleshooting just trying to keep life support, but the nights when the stars align, and the axe howls at the moon keeps me chasing that feeling of pure expression. Guitar, always guitar. You have a songwriter’s spotlight concert coming up with some VT heavy hitters on August 30 at Tupelo Music Hall in White River Junction.. How did you get so lucky as to hit the stage with Bow Thayer, Joey Leone and Rick Redington?
We’ve all been working alongside one another for years. This is the first time I’ve had the chance to play with Bow and Rick, but Joey and I have worked very closely over the years. He’s become my greatest mentor in the music world, so of course, when he invited me to participate, I jumped at the chance. I have all the respect in the world for these guys and feel very fortunate to be included in this show. If you were stuck on an island and could bring one musician to talk to, one CD to listen to, and one instrument to waste away your time with.. What would they be?
Musician: Jimi Hendrix, CD: Abbey Road Instrument: Djembe (I’m notorious for breaking strings, a guitar would be worthless in a week if Jimi didn’t set it on fire and hump it first.)