Ciao May/June 2022 | Page 5

first word
read once that there are more variations of green

I than any other colour . As a fan of lime-green anything , and someone who obsesses over colour choices , finding the right green living room chair , wall colour or background fabric for a photoshoot is my happy place .

Getting green ‘ right ’ when it comes to the environment also presents a spectrum of choices . At this magazine , we are fixed on championing local as an important way to be more ecofriendly . After all , buying products made and sold locally results in reducing the need to transport goods from other parts of the globe — and is an easy way to reduce our carbon footprint .
Admittedly , helping preserve the environment is empowering . Yet making a positive impact on the planet does come with some practical — and if I ’ m being completely honest — psychological challenges . Not littering and recycling plastics and cardboard in blue boxes are simple things we all get on board with . However , when it is not easy being green , things are less black and white . Convenience , cost , and habits developed over time can get in the way of long-term thinking .
We live in an immediate gratification world . Environmentalists argue this cultural characteristic can be the obstacle that stands in the way of sustainability . Upfront costs do not feel gratifying , whether buying a new outfit or a new house . Yet , readers of a certain age will attest , well-made clothes can continue to bring joy over many years . When it comes to thinking even longer term , Winnipeg architects are an enthusiastic group of professionals leading the way with innovation and ingenuity with designs for sustainability .
Globally recognized certifications for environmentally sustainable buildings offer metrics for a growing movement and Winnipeg designers are embracing the

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good hues

challenge . In turn , more citizens are recognizing long term cost savings that outweigh initial costs . See ecociao ! on page 7 for a city tour of our favourite green buildings .
Foodsources looks a little farther afield at how Manitoba growers are embracing sustainable practices in their farming systems . As someone who grew up in a rural area , the granddaughter of farmers , I have seen the dedication to land stewardship — and some of the unrelenting challenges farmers face . Farms are a living system and the costs of producing food and preserving the land are ever increasing . Yet , after numerous conversations with industry professionals , and yes farmers , Manitoba ’ s agriculture industry appears as dedicated as ever toward balancing productivity and preservation of farmland for sustainability . Of course , the conversation at ciao ! tends to come back to food . Inthekitchen presents a morning story , a look at savoury and sweet breakfast dishes inspired by those farms in the province . Manitoba produces high quality food and Winnipeg chefs get excited about great ingredients . Chefs Talia Syrie of The Tallest Poppy , Mike Fardoe of Bernstein ’ s Deli and Mark Hogan of The Original Pancake House share their popular signature dishes sure to become your favourites too .
Share this green issue with someone who loves discovering Winnipeg ’ s best places and may enjoy taking a ciao ! inspired self-guided tour to see this city ’ s star sustainable architecture . We may not all be in that electric car yet , but good green choices come in many hues and we all live better by adding a few eco-friendly practices to our routine .
Laurie Hughes , Publisher
ciao ! / may / jun / two thousand twenty-two 3