Ciao! Magazine Summer 2021 | Page 5

publisher ’ snote
Photographed by Ian McCausland

For new readers of Ciao ! this special summer issue has a travel theme . It perennially celebrates destinations in Manitoba offering world-class experiences . Many will attest spending time outdoors has provided essential relief from stress during pandemic times . Nature ’ s ability to nurture the spirit was tested and came through . This year , sales of sports equipment like bicycles , canoes and kayaks have spiked , reflecting our increased outdoor recreation .

In turn , we ventured north , east and west from Winnipeg to get an inside scoop on the best beaches and waterways for paddling , floating and fishing . Ciaotravels presents some of the province ’ s spectacular water spots we have right in our backyard . The more we discovered , the more we wanted to explore ! And , the more we came to know , the more we came to appreciate the numerous options living in a province of one hundred thousand lakes offers ! My advice to cottage owner have-nots is to seize the opportunity to make a splash in some new water this summer !
Time spent around water and great fishing holes led to binge-eating a favourite Manitoba lakefish , pickerel . Turn to inthekitchen for a few creative interpretations from local chefs .
Featuring local business excellence is Ciao !’ s editorial mission . In fact , celebrating local flavour is the

publisher ’ snote

motto around here . Look to foodsources for a Manitoba-made snack perfect for outdoor adventures . Howciao ! summers leads to more road trip worthy snacks to keep you happy whether you reach for salty or sweet . If it is salty , spicy , sour and bitter you crave , we ’ ve got the sweet scoop on Winnipeg ’ s ice cream scene and what artisanal makers are creating to push the palate .
Whether outdoor time is spent in your own backyard or camping , hiking or shopping in one of our charming neighbourhood districts , ciao ! shops focuses on the musthaves for summer 2021 .
As we enjoy living more freely this summer let us all remember that restaurants and retailers – along with the tourism industry – have been hit the worst . Owners of small businesses and their small staffs have been working hard to survive these difficult conditions . Keep supporting Manitoba businesses . It is essential to their survival . Give them positive feedback if they are doing a great job too . Kindness and compliments have a great way of energizing the weary .
If you are a new reader and enjoy this issue , let us know ! Better yet , become a subscriber and receive every issue . It is the best way to support a regional magazine bolstering small businesses . See ciaowinnipeg . com to sign up . If you visit any of the places mentioned in this issue , let the owners know it was Ciao ! that led you to them . Sharing your love for Ciao ! can encourage business owners to use it to advertise their business , which is essential to its sustainability .
Enjoy your summer and the great outdoors !
Laurie Hughes , Publisher


the Thrill
Eastman adventures are calling you ! Have adventure your way with unique experiences and cafes in Eastman . Enjoy 16 Weeks of Picnics , things to do and places to stay . Visit our digital guide often for plenty of adventure ideas all year .
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ciao ! / summer / two thousand twenty-one 3