Ciao Jun/Jul 2017 Ciao Jun/Jul 2017 | Page 34

yam and black bean patty , bound with quinoa , is the basis for flavourful toppings including another pile of parsnip crisps , tangy apple chutney , and pickled onion for zip . Like all burgers on the menu , the masterpiece is arranged artfully on a chewy pretzel bun .
There ’ s room for indulgence here , too . The proof in three words ? Farmer sausage poutine , dripping with gravy and molten cheese curds from Manitoba ’ s own Bothwell cheese . Mac n ’ cheese , another classic comfort food , gets some edge with the addition of a splash of Fort Garry Dark Ale . The beer lends a malty note to smoked Gouda cheese sauce .
Breakfast is served all day , and starting one ' s day at a table on the patio , tucking into the pork belly eggs benedict , rich with buttery hollandaise and crispy fried potatoes , may be enough ' fuel ' to motivate a ( long ) jog around the park .
Park Cafe is open daily 8 am-4 pm . ciao ! reviews
Pineridge hollow
Neighbourhood .... Oakbank , MB Address ... 67086 Heatherdale Rd 25E Phone .......... 204-777-3881 Entrées ............. $ 14- $ 26
To pull off truly impeccable regional cuisine , two elements must be at play — a commitment to and understanding of the land and the creativity to transform every ingredient into a culinary masterpiece . At Pineridge Hollow , where ingredients can come not only from within the province but from the garden mere steps away ( eat your heart out , 100 mile diet ), the merging of these two passions is evident .
Executive chef Matty Neufeld , who joined the team this year , displays a passion for local cuisine . Regional specialties are crafted with Manitoba
ingredients from Wild Earth Farms and in season vegetables fresh from the garden , from edible flowers and herbs to a bounty of cucumbers , tomatoes , berries , fennel , apples , and potatoes in the summer months .
The setting is a picture perfect retreat inside an elegant carriage house . The prime seats are in the sunroom , decked out in whitewashed board , rustic tableware ( yes , those salt and pepper shakers are mason jars ), and strings of fairy lights . Attentive servers glide across the length of the room , delivering pitchers of fruit infused water to tables .
In recent years , chefs been inspired by the foods that have been eaten here for centuries , creating new twists on heritage flavour . Unique preparations of ever more popular regional ingredients set the cooking at this idyllic spot apart . While you ’ d be hard pressed to find a restaurant these days that doesn ’ t have a beet salad on
Nestled inside a greenhouse & gifts experience sits a wine , pizza & homemade gelato bistro where most ingredients are grown right on site .

wood fired & inspired

Steinbach , Manitoba • 40 min drive from The Mint Monday-Saturday , 9am-10pm chinosbistro . ca
32 ciao ! / june / july / two thousand seventeen