Ciao Aug/Sep 2017 Digital Digital_CIAO_AugSep2017 | Page 20
ciao! cooks
Giorgo Mantas
Verde Juice Bar
Wolseley area Verde Juice Bar has made a splash since
opening last year, with a line up of nutrient-packed juices
made to order from organic ingredients. Watermelon and
cucumber juice acts as a perfect introduction for those
new to juicing, while antioxidant loaded green juice
amps up the health benefi ts while keeping a crisp, easy
drinking fl avour profi le. A shot made with ingredients
shown to reduce infl ammation helps keep skin glowing
while imparting a punch of energy.
>> Centrifugal
use a fl at spinning
blade to extract juice
and sift out pulp.
Verde's state of the
art model is designed
to reduce heat and
Drink your greens! Sweet apple
and vegetal hints of celery give
this popular blend its depth of
fl avour.
1/4 English cucumber
1/4 lemon, peeled
1 inch fresh ginger root
2 stalks long stemmed kale
1/2 Granny Smith apple
2 stalks celery
handful spinach
1. Juice all ingredients
Yield 1 9 oz glass
ciao! / aug/sep / two thousand seventeen