Simply Spectacular
Turn simple into
spectacular with our
premium balsamics.
This recipe for
Chocolate Espresso
Balsamic Truffl es is an
easy way to say “I love you”
to the people in your life.
Find this recipe and more
on our website.
Join us May 9-10 for
our annual Mother’s
Day Open House!
2-929 Corydon Ave. 204-505-1455
5-1604 St Mary’s Rd. 204-615-3885
1-1530 Regent Ave. 204-504-4200
Open Tuesday through Sunday
Colosseo Ristorante
670 Corydon Ave, 204-284-4977. House-
made, classic Italian fare makes this
the place for Italian cravings. A friendly
environment makes it a favourite for
family outings. WA, SP, LP, IA, M, V
Little Nana’s Italian Kitchen
812 Notre Dame Ave, 204-488-3687.
Calabrian flavours and modern
presentations are served with old-
fashion, Nonna style generosity.
WA, LP, SP, A, IA, M, V
Mona Lisa
1697 Corydon Ave, 204-488-3687. The
cuisine of the Grande family’s southern
Italy home has been offered for more
than 30 years at this neighbourhood
restaurant. WA, LP, SP, A, IA, M, V, ATM
684 Osborne St, 204-477-4773. This
South Osborne mainstay serves
traditional recipes in a contemporary
space. Try the signature breaded
veal topped with kalamata olives and
provolone cheese. WA, LP, A, IA, M, V
109 Marion St, 204-231-1403. This
long-standing destination treats all
as family. Classic pastas, red sauces
and old fashioned recipes keep diners
raving. WA, LP, SP, A, IA, M, V
Tre Visi Café
926 Grosvenor Ave, 204-475-4447.
Chef/owner Giacomo Appice’s Italian-
Mediterranean cuisine includes one
of the city’s most sumptuous gnocchi.
WA, LP, A, IA, M, V
Authentically Italian Cuisine
Reserve your table now with OpenTable ORDER ONLINE FOR
or at
4-2077 Pembina Hwy. 204-269-5004
e: [email protected]
ciao! / apr/may / two thousand twenty
1-877 Waverley St, 204-489-0495. This
sophisticated neighbourhood spot
offers sublime fare, like the spinach
agnolotti stuffed with mascarpone and
spiced squash. WA, LP, SP, A, IA, M, V
Café Carlo
243 Lilac St, 204-477-5544. This cozy,
chic and consistent bistro serves
dishes spiked with equatorial tastes
and textures. Those in the know come
for stellar beef tenderloin. Reservations
recommended. WA, LP, A, IA, M, V
Café La Scala
725 Corydon Ave, 204-474-2750. Chic
spot blends elegant Italian cuisine with
trendy tapas hip cocktails. A hit of
Sambuca gives modern edge to classic
cioppino soup. LP, SP, A, IA, M, V
Cibo Waterfront Café
339 Waterfront Dr, 204-594-0339.
Renovated heritage space boasts one
of the best views in the city. Standouts
include arancini balls in fragrant
marinara. LP, SP, A, IA, M, V
1-980 St Anne’s Rd, 204-255-0003.
Way south suburban locale draws
with its stunning tapas-style menu
designed by chef Brent Genyk.
WA, LP, IA, M, V