CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Blue phantom windstopper with zip off sleeves and reflective detailing by Gore,
$210.00, Lifesport, 411 Pembina Hwy, 204-475-2352; “Morning Glory” printed sport dress by Patagonia,
$80.00, Tamarack, 8-2090 Corydon Ave, 204-940-4800; Missoni inspired rebound racer sports top by Brooks,
$55.00, City Park Runners, 2091 Portage Ave, 204-837-9242; Evolution floral runner by Etnies, $79.95, Royal
Sports, 750 Pembina Hwy, 204-453-7437; Mod watch by Nixon, bright red & bright aqua, $84.94, Royal Sports,
750 Pembina Hwy, 204-453-7437
ciao! / apr/may / two thousand sixteen