Ciao 2017 issues FebMar 2017 | Page 11

Pop up feasting in secret locations was an underground restaurant trend that has become a cool dining model applied everywhere we look . From setting tables on the frozen Assiniboine River to various suppers in fields , forests and bridges , chef-led events have become a favourite way to amp up the popularity of dining out and in particular , fundraising . Multi-chef collaborations have become the secret ingredient to draw a crowd with open wallets .


Asia is the new geographical muse for chefs of all stripes looking to add a new umami dimension to their flavour repertoire . Asian bakeries are on the scene ( who won ’ t swoon over a pastry swan ?) and pho is mainstream . Ramen , kimchi , bulgogi , and steamed bao are early favourites making an impression all over town . Inspiration has begun to move southward , with flavours of The Philippines and Laos poised for continued growth .
A new generation of drinkers is viewing imbibing as a quality vs quantity proposition , choosing to have only one or two drinks , and savouring every sip . The new indulgence alibi ( the need to justify a product purely for pleasure ) is well applied here — and to the prices . Delicious concoctions showcase spirits infused with herbs and fruit and thoughtfully flavoured syrups . When it comes to unexpected add-ons , smoky is the new spice , making charred fruits , smoked salt rims and smoked ice a thing .
It ’ s never been easier to be a locavore ; there ’ s simply more local food to eat . The Manitoba food sector has seen a dramatic increase in foodpreneurship in the last 20 years , nearly doubling from a 2.5 to 4.5 billion dollar industry . The Manitoba Food Processors Association ( now Food and Beverage Manitoba ) jumped from 100 members in 1997 to more than 300 members today . Creative business upstarts have harnessed indoor hydroponics , downtown rooftop beekeeping , and small batch production techniques . Find Manitoba-grown fresh herbs year round , syrup boiled from birch tree sap , artisanal mustards , designer ketchups and flavoured honey conveniently on the shelves of grocery giants like Safeway , Sobeys , Red River Co-Op and Save On Foods . Let ’ s not miss the role of consumer choice in this equation — more local eating leads to more local foods .
Virtuous health conscious eating has crossed over to mainstream . Leafy greens , vibrant juices , plant based diets , gluten free cooking , and interest in fibre rich ancient grains like quinoa ( which we now know how to pronounce !), hemp , and now teff reveal healthy is a selling point . Whether motivated by stats of increasing numbers inflicted with disease , a desire to feel better , or a growing environmental consciousness , we are eating green . Rightfully , we should all be glowing . ciao ! / feb / mar / two thousand seventeen 9