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When it comes to theme magazines , the annual Chocolate Issue may be our favourite . Ciao ! goes cocoa crazy , celebrating local flavour by turning its attention to chocolate creations around the city . This time , we went behind the scenes with pastry chef / owner Nathalie Gauthier of A L ’ Epi de Ble . Her sweet shop on North Main offers a little piece of France to our fair city . See the gorgeous gâeaux ( et al ) on the pages of in the kitchen .
Look to ciao ! cooks for designer doughnuts extraordinaire ! Two of the city ’ s leading doughnut shops have those in the know completely enamored with designer flavours and oh-so-airy pastry . Amanda Kinden of Oh Doughnuts wowed us with a nanaimo bar doughnut , while Cloe Wiebe of Bronuts impressed with a twist on crème brûlée . Both shared recipes for Ciao ! bakers out there , but if immediate gratification is what you ’ re after , go on — tell them Ciao ! sent you .
Our chocolate theme ends with a playful salute to the globally trending freakshake as our last course . With Ciao ! team spirit we liberally applied local treats to turn this craze into a Manitoba masterpiece !
With so many chocolate treats tempting readers on these pages , it is fortunate that April marks Ciao ! Chocolatefest , presented by Piazza de Nardi . Eateries of all types are calling on chocoholics to try chocolate treats throughout the month . Featured desserts , cocktails , and even appetizers are offered at $ 7 . A sample of the specials can be found on pages 20 and 21 , and all of the chocolate choices
publisher ’ s note choc it up
are on ciaowinnipeg . com . Don ’ t forget to tag Ciao ! on facebook and instagram (@ ciaowpg ), and share photos of favourite dishes all month long ! # chocolatefest
And speaking of what ’ s trending — ciao ! fashion celebrates this season ’ s hottest pattern with a spread that will inspire you to show your stripes in your spring selfies . Vertical , horizontal , wavy , and gold , chic stripes are in stores this season .
Because we love all things style , we are also launching our annual search for the best kitchen in the city : the Ciao ! Kitchen Design Competition presented by Steinbach Credit Union . Each year the entries continue to dazzle . They also reveal the high quality of excellence in design and craftsmanship found in this city . If you have a kitchen that has been recently renovated and you are excited about showing it off to Ciao ! readers , now is your chance . We have lined up chef Michael Brown of De Luca ’ s to cook a dinner party for six in the winning cucina , and the finalist kitchens will also be photographed to feature as the centrepiece of our October issue . So ask yourself , do you own Winnipeg ’ s best kitchen ? If so , visit ciaowinnipeg . com to enter . The deadline for entries is June 30th . If you love your recent renovation , this contest is for you . And it could mean learning a few tricks of the trade from a master of Italian cuisine !
Laurie Hughes Publisher
4 ciao ! / apr / may / two thousand seventeen