around the city offering chocolate creations for only $ 7 each . Sample indulgent drinks , desserts , and even cocoa-spiked savoury dishes made with everyone ’ s favourite flavour . Full list of participating restaurants and items available on ciaowinnipeg . com
• Apr 2 : Winnipeg ’ s Contemporary Dancers perform for guests during a three-course meal at
Dinner & Dance .
Starts at 6 pm . Tickets : $ 90 . Peasant Cookery , 283 Bannatyne Ave , 204-452-0229
• Apr 17 : Join 40 top chefs , restaurants , and beverage companies in ending childhood hunger right here in Winnipeg at Share Our Strength ’ s Taste Of The Nation . Starts at 6 pm . Tickets : $ 110 . Fairmont Hotel ,
2 Lombard Pl , 204-771-7448 ciao ! news
I RBC convention centre hosts ...
• Apr 6 : Take a quick trip to London in support of Ronald McDonald House charities . Enjoy the UK-inspired runway fashion show and gourmet dinner at the 31st annual Hope Couture Fashion Gala . Tickets : $ 175 by April 4 . 204-783-9523
• Apr 30 – May 6 : The 16th annual Winnipeg Wine Festival showcases wines from across the world . The year ’ s theme celebrates Canada ’ s 150th birthday with Canadian wine . Tickets available at winnipegwinefestival . com
• Apr 22 : Starry Starry Night Gala is filled with food , dancing and a live silent auction in support of research for type 1 diabetes . Starts at 6 pm . Tickets : $ 225 . 204‐953-4477 , astarrystarrynight . com
• Apr 20 : Eleanor McCain and Tianwa Yan celebrate Canada with the WSO at the With Glowing Hearts Gala . Live music by James Cohen and the Prairie Roots . Starts at 5:30 pm . Tickets : $ 250 . gala . wso . ca
• April 22 : The Royal Winnipeg Ballet presents Ballet Ball : Havana Nights , a night of Cuban inspired music , dancing , cocktails and food . Bring your dancing shoes because an afterparty keeps the fun continuing late into the night . Starts at 6 pm . Tickets : $ 270 . 204-957-3457
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Let us help you start , grow or buy your own business . RESOURCES . FINANCING . MENTORING . futurpreneur . ca / ciao 1.800.464.2923 ciao ! / apr / may / two thousand seventeen 9