Seeing that this issue’s theme is “Iconic Hollywood”, I see it fit to honor Hollywood’s elite and give some hints to the way they obtain the god-like physiques we all strive to achieve. Contrary to belief, there isn’t some magical remedy devised for these select individuals to reach the goals set for filming. It is through rigorous diet and training that allows Hollywood A-Listers to be successful, and by implementing these fundamentals you can too.
As a Certified Personal Trainer and former United States Marine, training regiments are on the same cycle of fashion trends. There are always a new workouts and diet crazes that will “Guarantee Results!” Take away all the here-say, one method that is tried and true and can be attested by the biggest names in Hollywood as well as the local gym community is “supersets”. A word frowned upon by those whose only goal is to get massive in a short time period. For those whose expectations are to get lean muscle as well as to be combat effective, this technique is the way to your success.
The premise is simple. When you complete a set of any workout, immediately jump to a different exercise and complete a set. Some choose to stay in the same muscle group for more muscle fiber breakdown, but it all depends on what works for you. So ask yourself do I want to get big fast, or do I want to create a lean, hard, endured physique that will last? Here is a possible 4 Day Split you can implement.
Day 1: Chest and Back
Day 2: Shoulders and Abs
Day 3: Biceps and Triceps
Day 4: Legs and Abs
Remember it takes 3 days to repair muscle fibers and 3 days to rebuild. Rest as hard as you train! Don't try to BE better, try to GET better!
And the Award for Best Physique Goes To…
By: Everett Kight