Churchnet October 2016 | Page 8

Excited for the Future

by Brian Ford, Executive Director-Elect

“So what do you do for a living?” For over 20

years, as an ordained Baptist minister serving

in the local church, I’ve been answering this

question that many of us Americans ask new

people we meet. My answers have been

nuanced, especially for folks I meet on airline

flights. In my early days of ministry, I used to

reply, “I’m in human resources,” or “I’m the

minister of wildlife.” But if I didn’t want to

chat-it-up with that middle-seat neighbor, I

would say, “I’m a pastor of a local church.” That

usually worked to keep the conversation brief.

As of October 2016, I’ve had to amend my response to that question. I’m honored to be chosen as the Executive Director (Elect) of Churchnet. I’ve already given my elevator speech explaining what Churchnet is and does as an organization. I’ve got it down pretty well. After all, an organization that “serves churches” is fairly straight forward.

I’m honored to work with Dr. Jim Hill, who has served as Executive Director since 2004 and helped to make the organization what it is today. I’ve known Jim for many years and have appreciated his leadership in Baptist life and his friendship. I’m also honored to work with Dr. Brian Kaylor as he takes on the role of Associate Director. Although having two Brians on the leadership team of the organization will pose identification challenges, I’m looking forward to getting to know Brian K and the other staff in the days and weeks to come. Churchnet is certainly blessed with top-notch staff and board members from across the state.

As the 2016 Nobel Laureate in Literature (if he ever claims it) sings, “The times they are a-changin’.” These words ring as true today as in 1964 when the song was first released. Times are changing and changing fast. Yet it is in these times that I’ve felt God’s call on my life to vocational ministry. A guiding scripture in my life and ministry has always been from the Gospel of Luke chapter 4 when Jesus gives his first sermon to the home crowd in Nazareth. Jesus reads from the prophet Isaiah and lays out his own mission statement, his job description, if you will. He states that God’s Spirit compels him to proclaim good news to the poor, release of the captive, sight to the blind, freedom for the oppressed,

(continued on next page)