Churchnet May/June 2015 | Page 3

Churchnet's new strategic plan received official approval at the 2015 Annual Gathering in April. Vision 2020: Engaging the Future with Hope will guide Churchnet's ministries for 2015-2020. It officially launches on July 1, but the Board of Directors met in June to start the planning process.

This issue focuses on Vision 2020 and introduces the four key initiative areas: Missional Collaboration, Strategy Development, Generational Engagement, and Community Involvement. Learn more about Vision 2020 by clicking play in the video below.

We are excited about what the future holds as we start implementing this new plan. As always, Churchnet's mission is serving churches! We hope you will join us as we engage the future with hope!

Vision 2020:

Engaging the Future with Hope

Click Play to Watch!