Churchnet January 2015 | Page 3

For the last several years, one of Churchnet's five ministry teams has been the Resources & Relationship Team. Verlyn Bergen, Churchnet Resources & Relationships Team Leader, is passionate about both areas. With decades of experience, he has personally assisted numerous congregations. He has also been active in Churchnet's partnership with Guatemalan Baptists.

However, Churchnet's work in the areas of resources and relationships does not rest solely on Bergen's shoulders. As a network of Baptist churches, Churchnet strives to bring church leaders together to share resources and build relationships. Together we can share resources, skills, and lessons with each other. And we can build relationships to help each other along the way.

Without meaningful resources and relationships, we will likely find many of our church buildings emptying. This issue explores how we can build the network and help churches across the region.

Keys to

Building a Network

Left: Verlyn Bergen meeting with Guatemalan Baptists, helping with both resources and relationships.

(photos credit: Gary Snowden)