Church on the Green Newsletter November 2018 | Page 2

A Chance to Act on Your Core Beliefs

Our world is confusing. We are pulled in so many directions by so many voices — in what we read, hear on radio, TV or the internet, and are told by friends, neighbors and families.

Many times a day we can feel afraid, outraged, or confused. We can feel pulled to buy things, help people, defend ourselves — or defend others from yet other people.

How should we respond to all this?

For me, I try (not always successfully) to respond from my core beliefs, the beliefs that rest near my bedrock. The beliefs that, even when I’m blown in the wind, seem like living anchors — if I can just remember to look down at them and reach for their steady strength.

What are my personal core beliefs? That’s a daunting question, and it was especially tough in my early years in ministry.

Read more on Pastor's Corner:

This month's message by:

Rev. Pam McGrath, Senior Pastor