# 3 : Multi-campus venues
Church campuses are expanding with multisite campus venues . These buildings can be reflective of the home church ’ s ministry but also uniquely designed to suit their communities . Understanding the difference between what might be fitting , design-wise , in one part of town might not be suitable in another , is key . Ultimately , the campus will be designed functionally to achieve the church ’ s identifiable ministries .
# 4 : “ Refreshing ” the spaces you ’ ve already got
Recently , we ’ ve completed quite a few renovations of existing spaces and campus “ refresh ” projects . After COVID hit — and once people started coming back to church in person — there has been an almost unspoken desire for a cleaner , more sanitary , “ fresh ” look on church campuses . Often , the only way to do this is by a total rework / upgrade of finishes , making existing spaces look and feel newer , plus cleaner .
# 5 : Building with better safety in mind
Recent headlines have heralded the need for enhanced safety in houses of worship . Accordingly , many churches are now building this concept into their designs . It ’ s no longer unusual for a church to consider implementing security measures throughout the facility . Lots of light and transparency into classrooms is a must now , as well . Overall , there ’ s more mindfulness — in the design phase — about how quickly a building can go into lockdown . There ’ s a balance to strike here . Churches still desire to ensure a sense of hospitality and openness . Clear sightlines and wayfinding / navigation of the campus are priorities in design . Technology aids in achieving the safety objective . Examples of technology used might include surveillance cameras positioned throughout the campus to monitor activity .