Church Executive MAKE GIVING CLICK: Expert advice for using technol | Page 6

4 underused funding tools Many churches rely on regular tithes and offerings to fund programs and projects in their ministries. However, there are times when a stewardship campaign or unexpected financial challenges arise. While Proverbs tells us that, where there is no vision the people parish... (29:18) Where there is no money the vision parishes, could also be true. Whether your vision is to build a new building or meet a missions’ commitment, here are four strategies that technology makes available and simple for you to utilize and keep your vision alive. #1: Goal We all have a desire to measure things, and if we contribute, we want to know how our contribution adds up in the end. Simply showing a goal meter connects with our inner desire to make the needle move. A goal amount with a progress bar is a great way to display the progress of your campaign, and show how a contribution effects the outcome. Because we like our likes, we check up on our social media posts to see how they are preforming, a goal indicator tends to cause an invested giver to return to the cause to check on the progress and potentially give again. #2: Countdown One of the best ways to encourage generosity is to create a sense of urgency. Adding an “expiration date” to your campaign can motivate people to give because of the fear of missing out (FOMO). Or if the solution requires immediate need — such as relief supplies to a disaster-stricken area — a countdown will motivate contributors more quickly. Studies have proven that a timed campaign is more likely to reach its goal than one that is not. The countdown timer tells your givers, “Time is running out, hurry!” #3: Matching Help your givers double the effectiveness of their contribution by having a campaign matcher. If someone is willing to make a considerable donation to your cause, a matching campaign will inspire givers as they see their contribution amount doubled or even tripled as they give! This also creates urgency and scarcity, as the match might only apply up to a specific amount; after that, the contribution is no longer doubled. This encourages more people into generosity and can quickly turn a $5,000 gift into a $10,000 gift. Finding a matcher is not as hard as you might think. Just as a donor would like to see his or her $100 gift instantly converted to $200, equally, a matcher prefers his or her contribution doubled. #4: Peer-to-Peer Peer-to-peer fundraising is simply allowing someone else to raise funds on your behalf. Essentially, someone else is doing the promoting and footwork as the funds are received by your organization. This is incredibly helpful for organizations that might want to take individuals on a mission trip and the individual is required to raise or provide the funds. The individual has and manages his or her own cause, funds can be credited toward that individual’s goal. You and the individual can both monitor progress. This allows you to provide tools to make fundraising easier for them. Additionally, the birthday fund is another popular way peer to peer can be used. Rather than gifts, the birthday boy or girl can request donations to their cause within your organization. In the U.S., more than $2 billion is raised annually through online funding platforms. When you combine these tools with good promotion, vision casting and social media, you not only cultivate informed generosity, but your vision to change your community and the world comes within reach. Generush allows churches, ministries and other nonprofits leverage these tools without the high costs of crowd sourcing platforms. In addition to ongoing giving, such as Tithes & Offerings, all four of these campaign tools are available with Generush — and many can be combined to create dynamic opportunities for generosity. Put a robust suite of giving tools to work for your church or nonprofit. We look forward to helping you surpassing your goals. 6 CHURCH EXECUTIVE • M A K E G I V I N G C L I C K