Church Executive MAKE GIVING CLICK: Expert advice for using technol | Page 3

Make giving click Expert advice for using technology to identify, engage & cultivate first-time givers Mark Walker Former Pastor & Chief Operating Officer Generush Giving Richard Bauer eGiving Ambassador GivePlus, a Vanco company What does a first-time giver look like? Mark Walker: We shouldn’t base our assumption on whether people are young or new in the pew; first-time givers look different, in different churches. As leaders, we should have our finger on the pulse of our churches. We need to know who’s new, who serves, and who doesn’t. Who gives and who doesn’t. Additionally, this information shouldn’t exist only in one person’s head. There must be a system in place to detect and celebrate first-time givers. A digital giving and donor management system gives us the tools to be in the know, follow up with and engage them. Jennifer Buckley: First-time givers vary depending on the makeup of your church or parish. Sometimes, they’re the new faces you see in the pews — but often, first-time givers are members or parishioners who either haven’t been able to give in the past or aren’t aware of the different giving options and needs at your organization. Most churches have a small percentage of their regular attendees who give regularly (usually about 10% to 25%), but that small percentage makes up more than half of the total donations. Jennifer Buckley Giving Specialist ParishSOFT So, if you want to know what a first-time giver looks like, look at all the faces in the pews during mass, not just the new ones. Richard Bauer: There is no "typical" first-time giver. It’s easy to think that only young members and new members are first-time givers, but the fact is, many people attend their church for a considerable amount of time before making a gift. This is why technology is so important when it comes to improving giving at your church. Using church management systems and eGiving tools, you can track who gives, how they give, and when they give. It also can tell you which members you should approach about making a first gift. When a church leader considers ways to engage first- time givers, technology probably isn’t the first thought. But why should tech spring to mind in this instance? Buckley: Historically, the Church has survived through physical donations from parishioners who attend regularly. The introduction of technology over the decades has changed the way people manage their work time, personal time, and spend their money. M A K E G I V I N G C L I C K • CHURCH EXECUTIVE 3