In 2019 , 11 % of U . S . adults were “ unmotivated to address racial injustice .” In the summer of 2020 , that percentage has increased to 28 %. Meanwhile , the number of those who are “ somewhat motivated ” has shrunk and the number of those who are motivated has held fairly steady over the past year . According to Barna ’ s research , some Christians are willing to admit uncertainty on the topic ; one in five is “ unsure ” about whether they are motivated to address racial injustice .
“ Most current pastors believe the office of pastor is incompatible with having sexually abused or assaulted another ,” said Scott McConnell , executive director of Lifeway Research . “ This does not convey that they believe these behaviors are beyond God ’ s forgiveness , but a large majority believe sexual abuse is a permanent disqualification from ministry leadership .” More than 4 in 5 Protestant pastors ( 83 %) say if a pastor commits child sexual abuse , that person should permanently withdraw from public ministry . For 2 % the time away should be at least 10 years , while 3 % say at least five years and 3 % say at least two years . While majorities of every demographic group of pastors support a permanent exit from public ministry for child sexual abuse , some are less supportive than others , according to the study . Pentecostal pastors ( 60 %), African American pastors ( 67 %), pastors with no college degree ( 69 %), and pastors 65 and older ( 76 %) are among those least likely to support permanent withdrawal .
Most Pastors Say Sexually Abusive Ministers Should Step Down Permanently
As Christian groups and denominations debate the proper response to clergy sexual misconduct , most pastors believe those who commit such crimes should withdraw from public ministry permanently . A study from Nashville-based Lifeway Research revealed a significant majority of U . S . Protestant pastors share that opinion whether the victim is a child or an adult .

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