knowing what I did , I was able to evaluate circumstances and individuals differently and know , okay , that ' s not right — something is off there .
Norris : You felt equipped ?
Georgia : Yes .
Norris : One of the principals we talk about in Parent Training is to be very present . Don ' t be the drop-off parent who drops off early and shows up late . Volunteer ; stay for practice . Drop in when you are not necessarily expected . Show up . But there ' s a tension there between being very present and becoming a helicopter mom or dad . I ’ m putting you on the spot here , but did you feel like the environment you grew up in was oppressive or ‘ over the top ’?
Georgia : No , I didn ’ t feel like it was over the top . There were times that I had more restrictions than other kids . But I never felt like you guys were hovering , in part because you were always creating new ways to have fun .
Norris : So that helped ?
Georgia : Sure , it helped that all the fun things were happening in our house . At the same time , you and dad really valued freedom , and you gave me lots of freedom and independence where it was safe to do so . So I never felt restricted . As I got older , particularly in college , it became pretty clear that my home of origin was different . Many of my college friends described
( left to right ) Joseph Sojourner , host of MinistrySafe ' s new Sexual Abuse Awareness Training ; Georgia Love McKnight ; Gregory Love ; Kimberlee Norris
stereotypical parents who didn ’ t go to games , shows or recitals or just didn ’ t show up . Many were either raised by their siblings or simply fended for themselves , and many of them had experienced sexual abuse .
Norris : It ’ s heartbreaking , isn ’ t it ?
Georgia : Yes , it is . And as an adult , I see the ongoing ramifications .
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