Church Executive Best Practices Forum: Fundraising & Generosity | Page 2

Table of Contents USING GIVING DATA TO STRENGTHEN YOUR DISCIPLESHIP PATH 3 Giving and generosity are clear and measurable indicators of discipleship. It is no surprise that churches with an effective discipleship path tend to have substantially higher levels of ministry funding. By Joe Park 6 WAYS TO ENGAGE MAJOR DONORS 4 How do we engage major donors? As pastor, the answer to that question will shape the ministry reach of your church. Engagement means focusing on the well-being of the giver, as well as the stewardship potential of the church. By Doug Turner ENGAGE CHURCHGOERS BY INCORPORATING GIVING TECHNOLOGIES INTO YOUR CHURCH COMMUNITY 5 Bringing new giving technologies into your church can be exciting and can help improve how you serve your members and the missions you are passionate about. But, moving forward from comfortable norms to unknown giving options can also be intimidating. By Richard Bauer 2 ABOUT DOUG TURNER’S CULTURE OF READY, CAMPAIGNS & SUSTAINABILITY COACHING: 6 ABOUT HORIZONS 7 GIVEPLUS CHURCHGOER GIVING STUDY: NEW FINDINGS, NEW SURPRISES 8 CHURCH EXECUTIVE • M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 8