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Gels Unlike the creams, gels an instant cooling sensation to sensitive skin types. Rose Oil and ideal solution to PMT and hot flushes. Lavender to aid rest and sleep. Product Code Product RRP & Size Own Brand 10-250 (250-500 10% discount) 017 Re-hydration Gel £8.00 - 50ml £4.00 + VAT 027 Foot Cooling Gel £8.00 - 100g £3.95 + VAT 028 Clear Skin Gel £6.00 - 15g £3.25 + VAT 029 Hot Flush Gel £6.95 - 15g £3.75 + VAT 030 Relax/Sleep Gel £6.50 - 50g £3.25 + VAT Packaging option codes for products: 6 Gels 50g = PKGL50, PKGAP50, PKGSS50, PKGSG50, PKGPS50, PKGPG50, PKGAP50 Gels 100g = PKGAP100, PKGPJB100, PKGPJS100, PKGPS100, PKGPG100, PKGAP100