Selfie | Myna Batavia
Hi, this is Myna Batavia
Founder, Green Carpet
Curious and experimenting, I thrive
on walking the untrodden path and
have been the driver for choosing the
businesses that I’ve run. It also has
pushed me to curate some of the best
products in the gardening space.
A Post Graduate in English Litera-
ture from Mysore University with
a Certificate course in French, I’m
a certified softskills trainer from
Junior Chamber International. I suc-
cessfully ran an HR consulting firm
for 13 years before embarking on
establishing Green Carpet – a pioneer
in the gardening business providing
complete gardening solutions with a
nationwide presence.
I’m constantly seeking
new challenges and
spaces hitherto
not addressed and
Set up in 2002, Green Carpet works
with a vast network of dealers, archi-
tects, interior designers and landscap-
ers to provide gardening products and
services to both individual and cor-
porate clients all over the country. 17
years into this business, today Green
Carpet is acknowledged as the largest
supplier of planters in the country.
What I keep in mind
I believe that each client’s gardening
needs are extremely individualistic.
So, I aim to provide solutions accord-
ingly. This has spurred me to source
the best products globally which are
unique in design and high on quality.
What keeps me going
The desire to excel in my chosen field
of expertise drives me to perform
my best. I’m constantly seeking new
challenges and spaces hitherto not
addressed and explored.
Living spaces for me is
Life! I believe that your living space is
a reflection of yourself, your thoughts
and essentially, your personality. This
is the space one comes to rejuvenate,
reflect and relax. Therefore, living
spaces deserve the immense atten-
tion and expertise that are given.
I look forward to…
More challenges, more avenues to
explore and more markets to address
and cater to.
chromohomes w november 2018
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