CHROMOHOMES Vol-3, Issue-9 | Page 46

Security Concern Safety Ensured As opposed to the scenario seen in more developed countries, is India lagging behind with implementing strict norms for the structural and fire safety for high-rise buildings? Take a closer look at this 46 Security Concern W By Anuj Puri ith several property develop- ers in our metros developing skyscrapers of 150-250 me- tres and more, an increasingly pressing question being asked by property buyers is whether they safe. This is an obvi- ous and natural concern, given the increasing incidence of fires, earthquakes and building collapses that the media throws at us fairly regularly. Let us take a closer look at this. As opposed to the scenario seen in more developed countries, is India lagging behind with implementing strict norms for the structural and fire safety for high-rise build- ings? Actually, as we have seen in a recent case of a residential tower in London, this can present a challenge even in such global cities. However, considering the rapid pace of urbanization being seen in cities like Del- hi-NCR and Mumbai, there is no doubt that strict and enforceable safety norms for sky- scrapers are vital. Earthquake Resistance While fire safety is one aspect, earthquake resistance of high-rises is a relatively lesser cause of concern. In India, most high-rise buildings are developed as per the local building bye-laws and NBC standards for structural safety, which are considered safe to withstand certain intensities of earth- quakes. Of course, since most parts of India are located in seismic zones, it is very im- portant for builders and structure safety au- thorities to ensure that construction is being done as per the prescribed standards. It can be said with a fair degree of cer- tainty that developers have become quite cautious these days, and that most of them chromohomes w november 2018 do conscientiously follow the guidelines for construction of earthquake resistant build- ings. For the record, every high-rise building built in India today must mandatorily adhere to prescribed structural standards to ensure that they are safe and earthquake resistant. Developers must and do conform to all earth- quake-related measures. Fire Hazard Safety In a country like India, lack of skilled labour and technicians, poor building designs, low- quality building materials - and, importantly, lack of reliable safety and fire-fighting sys- tems - were justifiable causes for concern in the past. Let us take fire-fighting in a high- rise as a possible scenario. In a city suffering from chronic infrastruc- ture deadlock, extinguishing a fire even on the 7th or 8th floor becomes difficult - leave alone a fire on the 25th or 30th floor. So, with what assurance can one buy a flat in a sky- scraper in a city like Mumbai or Delhi? Obviously, it is not be possible for a lay indi- vidual buyer to do a complete safety audit of such a building. However, it is certainly possible to inquire about and study the basic fire safety and emergency evacuation facilities available in the project before choosing to live there. november 2018 w chromohomes 47